Blog categorized as Blog

Which side should you wear your name badge on?

By John

Many theories exist speculating on which side of a blouse or jacket to place a name tag. Have you ever heard the theory that the name tag should be placed on the  right side since you shake with your right hand and the direct line of sight leads straight to your name? Or how about the theory w...
07 Nov 2017 02:24 PM - Comment(s)

5 Tax Saving Tips To Consider For 2017

By John

  Let's face it, we love our families but Uncle Sam doesn't top the charts on being our favorite family member. Our team at Strategic Accounting & Consulting works for you, not the IRS. Our main partners, Robert and Brandy, have 52 years of combined experience in Corporate America and ...
05 Sep 2017 01:21 PM - Comment(s)

Tax day is just around the corner. Are you ready?

By John

Tax time is nearly upon us again, and 2016 will bring some tax changes you need to know about. By learning about them before the new year, you'll be better able to take steps that will leave you prepared both this year and next. Let's look at the 10 biggest tax changes you should know about going in...

14 Dec 2016 09:41 PM - Comment(s)